Lidl comes to Hersham

By | March 10, 2019

Most agree – the new Lidl it is a great shop and provides better choice in Hersham – but do you have any comments about the parking and traffic?  Most people seem to think this should gradually improve as shopping patterns readjust and people start to avoid busy times – but do you agree?  If you have any comments or thoughts about this, do let us know at our next HRA meeting on 28th March.

Turners Lane – interim decision on restricted byway status

By | January 28, 2019

Summary of Decision: The Order designating Turners Lane as a public restricted byway has been ‘proposed for confirmation subject to modifications set out in the Formal Decision.’  The formal decision can be downloaded here.   A map is available which shows the location of Turners Lane.

An explanatory note is been provided by the Planning Inspectorate who carried out the inquiry.  This note clarifies that the decision is interim until the modifications referred to are confirmed.

The HRA’s connection with this:
The HRA was one of several organisations and individuals who made submissions to the inquiry and are pleased with the outcome to recognise Turners Lane as a public restricted byway (subject to modifications).  See our previous involvement and submission to the inquiry.

HRA Response to the EBC Village Hall Consultation (Jan 2019)

By | January 28, 2019

Please see our response which reflects discussions at our last meeting on 15/1/19. 

Hersham Village Hall Consultation – deadline 25 January

By | January 17, 2019


Elmbridge has issued an important consultation on the future of Hersham Village Hall – consultation papers were delivered to every household in Hersham and full details are also available on the Elmbridge website – where you can also respond on-line.  See full explanation and consultation reply option on the EBC website – please respond by the 25th of January.

The future of the hall has been a matter for strong views and heated debate ever since it was closed for safety related reasons in 2017.  The possible repair and refurbishment of the existing facility is an option that many favour, and it was good to see this recognised in the text introducing the questionnaire – alongside the possibilities for redevelopment.

However, several HRA members have commented that they were disappointed that there was no reference to the repair and reinstate option in the questionnaire itself, and this fact is likely to be reflected in the results when these are collated at the end of the survey.


If you are interested in keeping up with Hersham matters, why not subscribe to our occasional HRA update messages – click here for details


Next meeting 15th January 7.30 – all welcome

By | January 2, 2019

Venue Watermans Arms Function Room – you don’t have to be a member to attend – in fact anyone interested in Hersham matters will be made very welcome.

There is plenty we can discuss – 

For example:

  • Hersham Village Hall and EBC questionnaire – now sent to every Hersham household.

  • An update on the result of the Turners Lane Inquiry about Restricted Byway status.

  • Christmas in Hersham – last year and next.

  • Community Council related issues – see below.

 Community Council issues
Now we know that Hersham will NOT be getting its own community council, (see does this leave a gap that Hersham Residents want to try and fill? 

If the answer is yes, could the HRA potentially deliver  some things that a community council would have done?  Any ideas – please come and discuss.


Hersham Christmas community event 22 Dec at 4.30 – all welcome

By | December 11, 2018

Had enough of shopping – need a break – want to support a community initiative? – read on …./

Hersham Christmas Flyer for 22 December

A gathering of Hersham residents, friends and neighbours is scheduled for the 22nd at the Watermans Arms Function Room where mince pies and mulled wine will be available. The event is good for all ages – and father Christmas will be attending. The initiative is being supported by the HRA and local councillors, Hersham in Bloom, the Watermans, Waitrose and the Round Table.

All will be welcome to join us for a few carols at 4.30, and after that at the Watermans to meet and mingle and share some local Christmas cheer before the 25th. See the flyer above. Money raised at the raffle will go to a local charity nominated by the Round Table.

Hersham Community Council (the HCC) – campaign outcome

By | December 9, 2018

Campaigners have been promoting the creation of a community council for Hersham for over 2 years. Following the collection of over 750 petition signatures in favour of the proposal, Elmbridge Council carried of a formal review – the results from which were put to the full council at Elmbridge for discussion on 5th December.

However, the feedback from local residents who responded to the review was not overwhelmingly supportive of the proposal, and a majority did not want a community council created. After a short discussion, it was unanimously confirmed that a community council would not be created. The councillors representing Hersham acknowledged the work of the HCC Steering Group and recognised that HCC supporters would be disappointed. See details now posted on EBC website here : report of outcome on EBC website

Supporting the HRA

Whilst the HRA is entirely voluntary and has only minimal resources compared to a Parish or Community Council – it can if well supported do some useful things that a community council would have done. It has been suggested that those who would like to see some of the benefits of a community council, but at a fraction of the cost, should join the HRA.

Please CLICK HERE to become a member or join our growing mailing list of local people who would just like to keep in touch with the HRA by receiving very occasional email news and updates. The HRA is not political and would welcome anyone with an interest in Hersham to join us or to be added to our ‘occasional mailing list’ to help us stay in touch with the community.

Public Meeting Friday 7th December to discuss threats to county council services in Hersham

By | November 8, 2018

At the last HRA meeting potential Surrey County Council cuts to key services in Hersham were discussed, there was particular concern about the library and the children’s centre.

It was suggested that people concerned about this should come to the following public meeting where these matters will be discussed: –


Threats to the local fire brigade and bus passes will also be discussed, and there will be an update on Hersham Village Hall.  The meeting is being organised and supported by our local politicians and all Hersham councillors will be attending. 

Please tell your neighbours or anyone affected by these cuts and please attend if you can – all will be welcome.


Next HRA meeting 6th November 2018

By | November 1, 2018

The next HRA committee meeting will be held from 7.30 – 9.00 on Tuesday 6th November 2018 at the Watermans Arms function room, all are welcome – whether you are an HRA member or not. The agenda will include updates on Turners Lane, the Village Hall, the Community Council consultation, and any key local planning issues.

Response to the Elmbridge Borough consultation on the possible creation of a community council for Hersham

By | November 1, 2018

Based on the feedback we have received, the vast majority of our members are in favour of the creation of a community council for Hersham, and the HRA response reflected this view.

We see a community council as a way of delivering the aims of the HRA in a much more effective way through a body with an official status that can help provide community cohesion and raise a small amount of funding for use locally.

Although there are those who understandably do not want to pay more council tax, our impression is that the most Hersham residents are in favour of creating a community council when the arguments are clearly explained; in particular, when it is made clear that money raised in Hersham would be spent in Hersham to provide grants or small scale services, improvements or programmes which would not otherwise be provided by the borough or county.

The HRA’s full response to this very important consultation on Hersham’s future is available here 

The response includes the above text and provides some further details and more background.