All welcome : Public Meeting WI Hall Burhill Road Thursday 19th May at 19:30 – speakers announced!

By | May 14, 2022

Please come to our public meeting / AGM 7.00 for a 7.30pm start at the WI Hall* Burhill Road 19th May *(The green painted building close to the junction of Burwood Rd and Burhill Rd nr St Peter Church)

This is an opportunity to catch up with HRA activity during the year, and raise Hersham issues that you are concerned about. There will be refreshments and two excellent speakers on local issues:-

Nina Malyon Walton & Hersham Foodbank Manager will update us on the local food bank in Faulkners Road


Michael Tumilty Director of the local Community Eco Hub will talk about this very impressive local initiative.

If you are interested in local issues you really should come to this meeting – we look forward to seeing you there (the meeting is likely to finish at approximately 9.30).

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