Hersham Green Shopping Centre – comment/ object now before 26 April

By | April 1, 2024

It is now time to object to the planning application – a message from the campaign team

Reference 2024/0498

Firstly, a heartfelt thank you to everybody who has supported the campaign up to now, from initial meetings, individual and collective help, signing the petition and for your understanding in dealing with the massive issues that seem to be bombarding Hersham from every direction.

We now need your help for the last big push to save Hersham Centre

The planning application was registered by Elmbridge Borough Council on 22 March 2024 and the period of objection has now started. You may now make your objections known. Elmbridge Borough Council has requested comments by 26th April 2024.

Every single objection is vital. It is important that every individual makes an objection. Any collective objection will only count as one. This is now the one off opportunity that we have been anticipating for nearly 2 years.

Please make your voice count.

There are three ways to object:

1. Log on to Elmbridge Borough Council website and follow the links. A useful shortcut is https://bit.ly/Hersham-Centre-Development click on Make a Comment and follow the simple instructions. There is plenty of space to set out your views.

2. Email your comments to tplan@elmbridge.gov.uk emailing is useful if you wish to attach documents.

3. Write to: The Planning Department, Elmbridge Borough Council, Civic Offices, High Street, Esher KT10 9SD

Grounds of objection

Please use your own words which should be heartfelt, even passionate, but never offensive, inflammatory, discriminatory or other such matters. Common sense must always prevail.

The developers planning application is generally as expected and there are many grounds to object. You may feel strongly about a particular issue or you may wish to make comments on all the issues. You are encouraged to say what you feel, in your own way. You may wish to consider:

The residential element

• The impact of the development on the character of the local area.

• The height, mass and scale of residential blocks up to 6 storeys high affecting immediate and near neighbours, including loss of light, overshadowing, overbearance.

• There is an over-supply of elderly living accommodation in Elmbridge.

• The plans have zero allocation for much needed Affordable Homes

• There is no Community Infrastructure Levy.

• Inadequate car parking. 54 spaces for 109 units.

• New Berry Lane totally unsuitable for traffic access. Danger to school children.

The retail element

• Permanent loss of 50% of the independent retail units, occupied by local successful businesses, to make way for a reconfigured and inadequate car park.

• The future of all businesses in The Centre is now uncertain.

Car parking

• Reduction in car parking capacity from 270 to 127, including loss of Elmbridge BC car park. This revised number is inadequate for the remaining businesses and contravenes planning guidelines. Most current users, including Doctors Surgery, parents and visitors to Burhill School, customers and staff of all the retail and business units in the immediate area, St Peters Church, visitors to Hersham, Hersham Riverside and The Green etc will no longer be able to park. The developers own traffic surveys confirm this.


This gets to the heart of the problem. In hundreds of pages of submission there is not a single word from the developers about OUR village, OUR Hersham. It is clear that the scheme will tear the village apart. Its character will be lost. The developers have summed it up by always referring to us as a town centre. They miss the point completely.

Save Hersham Centre / Protect our village


This campaign is NOT about politics or profit. It is ALL about protecting Hersham.

Please sign the petition:


This is the only facebook page which is 100% dedicated to protecting Hersham Centre – without administrators being paid or elected by Elmbridge Borough Council so, for unbiased, uncluttered information please like our page and invite your friends –

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/savehershamcentre

and read about the proposal and register for email updates at –

#savehershamcentre #hersham #hershamvillage #hershamredevelopment #hershamgreenshoppingcentre #surreyvillage #surreylive #lovehersham #welovesurrey


By | April 1, 2024


Crucial planning applications for:-

  • Hersham Green Centre (26 April deadline) and
  • Hersham Golf Club (15th April deadline)

Hersham Green Shopping Centre application (ref 2024/0498)

As you may have already seen the planning application to redevelop Hersham Green Shopping Centre has now been submitted for comment.  The deadline for comment is the 26th of April.

The process for commenting is simple – just follow the link here https://emaps.elmbridge.gov.uk/ebc_planning.aspx?requesttype=parsetemplate&template=PlanningDetailsTab.tmplt&basepage=ebc_planning.aspx&Filter=^APPLICATION_NUMBER^=%272024/0498%27&history=bc209924642a4fadb6e66ef6cb6a323f&appno:PARAM=2024/0498&address:PARAM=The%20Hersham%20Centre,%20%20The%20Green,%20Hersham,%20Walton-On-Thames&easting:PARAM=511585&northing:PARAM=164135

and then click ‘make a comment’ and follow it from there.  A few key points:-

  • If you don’t like it click the option ‘object’
  • Put your points across clearly within the guidelines e.g. without being rude of offensive
  • Note that anonymous comments are not counted
  • This is our only opportunity to comment – so DON’T miss it

By way of background, although the developer’s publicity makes it seem like they are doing Hersham a favour – the development would blight Hersham during the construction period and afterwards we would be left with: –

  • Considerably less parking spaces
  • More traffic and congestion
  • Less retail space
  • Less potential for Hersham in future

The HRA and most local people are extremely concerned about the above and numerous other disadvantages which would be likely to seriously threaten the future of Hersham as a viable village centre.  

So what about the advantages?  Well, it’s genuinely hard to think of any.  However, read the campaign website

 if you haven’t already – make your own mind up and then COMMENT. 

Just click on the above link and do it NOW!  You will not get another chance this is it – so it is very important that you must not delay.

Hersham Golf Club (2023/3519) – 221 new dwellings

Another key planning application which is also currently live is the application for development of Hersham Golf Club.  This also out for consultation – this time with a deadline for comment of  15th of April.  Please also take a look at this and comment on the proposed : demolition of the existing golf club structures and re-purposing of the existing golf course to include 221 residential dwellings see https://emaps.elmbridge.gov.uk/ebc_planning.aspx?requesttype=parsetemplate&template=PlanningDetailsTab.tmplt&basepage=ebc_publisher.aspx&Filter=^APPLICATION_NUMBER^=%272023/3519%27&appno:PARAM=2023/3519&address:PARAM=Hersham%20Village%20Golf%20Club%20Assher%20Road%20Hersham%20Walton-on-Thames%20Surrey%20KT12%204RA&easting:PARAM=512303&northing:PARAM=165367

We suggest you might want to highlight issues about access routes, traffic congestion on local roads and infrastructure issues generally.

Save Hersham Centre Campaign Leaflet

By | February 12, 2024

A leaflet has been created and distributed to Hersham households to raise awareness of the likely imminent planning application which would substantially affect the centre of our village. The arguments against this development have been set out many times but residents now need to be ready to object to the planning application whenever this is submitted.

For more details and to sign up for further information see the newly created campaign website here https://hershamvillage.co.uk/save-hersham-centre/

If you haven’t yet had a leaflet delivered through your door in Hersham then a copy is available here https://hershamvillage.co.uk/planning-application-imminent/ where you can download and print it as a pdf if you need further copies.

The HRA has been working with the campaign to help raise awareness and highlight the relevant arguments about lack of parking, less shops, the inappropriate nature of the development – and how all this would blight our village – not just during the development, but also in the longer term by limiting the future of Hersham itself as a viable thriving centre.

Update from 26 October 2023 public meeting on Hersham Green Shopping Centre Campaign – and what you can do.

By | October 29, 2023

Well over 300 people turned out for the public meeting last week and this clearly shows that we can ACT TOGETHER TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE
See photo : http://www.hershamresidents.info/blog/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/Public-meeting-pic-26-10-23.jpg
Please see the summary of the meeting : http://www.hershamresidents.info/blog/?p=1846

[for download as pdf with header formatting etc click here: http://www.hershamresidents.info/blog/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/HERSHAM-SHOPPING-CENTRE-Summary-of-Public-Meeting.pdf]

So please Help – spread the word

– without exaggeration, the future of Hersham depends on us

A planning application is expected in November after which there will only be a small window for the public to make their comments – look at the details of the proposals and the likely impact on our village so you are ready to react when the application is submitted. Please keep your eye on social media and this blog page for more information when it becomes available.

In summary we feel the proposals we have seen http://www.hershamresidents.info/blog/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/Lego-model-at-public-meeting-26-10-23.jpg are likely to be be almost entirely negative for Hersham – the high density flats would be out of keeping with the village and result in more cars/ traffic – and at the same time
much less parking for shoppers, Burhill School and village events. Then there is this issue blight of the village centre during the works, after which Hersham will be a less attractive and less viable centre with less amenities, less shop space and no public toilets.

For further details watch this space – further information will be posted here when further details are known about the proposals, news of the forthcoming planning application or consultation arrangements.

The key time to act is when the planning application is received in November – but (in addition) if you want to do something now you can also send a letter of protest to
Adam Chalmers, Chief Executive Officer
Elmbridge Borough Council, Civic Centre
High Street, Esher, Surrey KT10 9SD
Or just email to:
Protect your shopping centre!

It’s not possible to make comments on this blog site – but feedback and input from anybody concerned about this issue are welcome. All enquiries: Save Hersham Green Shopping Centre Campaign

Tel : 01932 220438 – Mob: 0789 0389 793 hershamresidentsassociation@gmail.com

Summary of Public Meeting 26 October 2023.

By | October 28, 2023

The meeting was extraordinarily well attended with about 340 people, standing room only for most. So sorry that quite a number were unable to get in because of the very high turnout. A big THANK YOU to everybody who made the effort to attend.

Our professional architect and advisor outlined his concerns about the scheme, followed by presentations regarding parking and local traffic, which were supported by surveys that have been carried out over the last few months on a near daily basis. We are very happy to consider any views, opinions, arguments or presentations which do not agree with the following:

1. The proposed development is in contravention of published planning guidelines concerning height, massing, overlooking and overbearance of the residential element, particularly as it affects Havers Ave, Paul Vanson Court and Burhill School. The scheme is against the grain of the surrounding area.

2. The proposed residential development also contravenes published planning guidelines. The proposals indicate 108 units with only 52 car parking spaces, whereas the guidelines state there should be 137 spaces, particularly where local on-street parking stress is a problem and there is no suitable alternative provision.

3. Only 134 spaces are proposed for Waitrose and retail units whereas published guidelines indicate well in excess of 200.

4. The developers have taken no consideration of the use of the car park by local residents or businesses. The proposed new car park is grossly inadequate given the pressure from:
• Requirements of Waitrose and the retail units~
• The many visitors for multiple purposes to the new residential development
• Vital use of the car park by Burhill School
• The Doctors Surgery • Businesses fronting Pleasant Place and Molesey Road
• Visitors to Hersham Riverside
• Visitors to Hersham Green
• Overspill parking for Nurseries, St Peters Church, All Saints Church, Hersham Day Centre and many other users etc. etc.
This car park is a vital facility for Hersham. Vastly reducing its’ capacity may also result in the under-use of Waitrose and other retail units, forcing them out of business. If this happens it will destroy the heart and soul of the village.

5. There was very considerable concern that New Berry Lane Car Park and New Berry Lane itself are vital parts of the proposals and are not in the ownership of the developers but are in the ownership of Elmbridge Borough Council. Views of the meeting ranged from considerable concern to outrage that Elmbridge Borough Council have entered or will enter into an arrangement with the developers that will result in massive negative impact to the residents of Hersham.

There was a question and answer session. All details were noted and will be acted upon.

Hersham Green Shopping Centre – Public meeting 26th October ……

By | October 16, 2023

Thursday 26th – all welcome St Peter’s Church Hall Burwood Road Hersham

Doors Open at 7:30 – meeting stars at 8:00

Hersham Green Shopping Centre: – Drop-in events update on new plans 13th and 15th July

By | July 9, 2023

Following initial feedback (for example http://www.hershamresidents.info/blog/?p=1730) and strong continuing local opposition to the quadrant plans – the developers have now put forward some new proposals, details of which were posted through letterboxes of local residents recently. If you missed this leaflet from developers Quadrant / La Salle – a copy is available here: – http://www.hershamresidents.info/blog/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/Hersham-Green-leaflet-July-2023.pdf

The developer’s leaflet invites local residents to find out more about the revised plans and talk to the project team and leave further feedback at one of forthcoming their ‘drop-in’ events to be being held on:-

  • Thursday 13th July from 3:00 pm – 7 pm and
  • Saturday 15th July from 10 am – 2 pm

(both the above are to be held in the former Martin’s shop in the H Green centre.) – An on-line webinar was also referred to on Monday 17 July from 6 pm – 7 pm, and apparently you can register for this at: https://www.hershamgreenproposals.co.uk/home/

The HRA would encourage local residents to attend these events and raise relevant questions concerns or queries concerning, for example the linked questions of car park capacity and numbers of dwellings now proposed. Then there are the issues about retaining retail and the current public toilet facilities.

Concerning the key issues – you may remember the flip charts from a previous HRA meeting which you can still access here
http://www.hershamresidents.info/blog/?p=1721 highlighted a range of important points linked to: –

  • infrastructure capacity (health / Drs / schools etc / local roads etc)
  • Retaining car parking capacity* to help Hersham to continue to function as viable retail and social centre
  • Concern about the number of residential units proposed*

*We understand these interlinked areas still rather ‘undefined’ – and are of course crucial to the capacity issues highlighted in the first bullet point. The HRA feel therefore that the new proposals need to be looked at carefully with a fair but critical eye.

Postcard campaign: The HRA would like to thank all those who have filled in and returned one of the protest postcards. Many hundreds have been submitted to the council and have helped highlight the strength of local feeling about the proposals and particularly about 200 dwellings being referenced for the Hersham Green Centre in the Elmbridge local plan.

The great and continuing concern is that this figure remaining in the plan could be used by the developers and the council as an indictive capacity for the site. – So keep sending in the postcards until the end of this month.

HRA AGM 19th July 7:15 for a 7:30 start at the WI Hall : – All Welcome

By | July 9, 2023

Please come to our AGM – members and non members equally welcome.

Come and hear about HRA activities during the year and catch up on local issues – there will be a short situation update on Shopping Centre and other matters.

There will be an opportunity to socialise, have drinks and refreshments before hearing from our guest speaker Andrew Gadd a volunteer with Surrey Trading Standards who will be talking about on-line safety.

The AGM is a good opportunity to review and renew membership or join for the first time to help support our work – however there is no obligation.

The agenda for the meeting can be downloaded here for information http://www.hershamresidents.info/blog/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/AGM-Agenda-19-July-23.docx …..and you might want to print it off, but don’t worry if not – we will have some spares available on the night. We look forward to seeing you there!

Gathering on the Green and subsequent meeting 21/06/23

By | June 20, 2023

Come to a public meeting about the future of Hersham Green Shopping Centre on Wednesday 21 June 7.30pm Watermans Arms function room – all welcome.

Before this there will be a pre-meeting open air public gathering with placards to help make out points known from 7:00 on the corner of the green near the Watermans Arms. We’d love to see you at both events, but if you only have 15 minutes or so, whilst you are walking the dog etc, that’s fine – just come to the green between 7:00 and 7:30.

Please also bring your neighbours and friends – the Future of Hersham Village needs you all.

At the Watermans there will be an update on the campaign and the current situation and some opportunity for discussion.

For background and further information about the Hersham Green Shopping Centre issue, the campaign and the HRA – please see the posts below on this HRA blog.

Also please note that your help is important: Donations and membership fees are crucial to support the HRA and help fund printing and other costs etc – please see the following link: http://hershamresidents.info/

Postcard Campaign (copy of original post)

By | March 12, 2023


The SAVE HERSHAM GREEN SHOPPING CENTRE CAMPAIGN has started – YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE – by filling in a protest postcard.

ACT NOW! – Please Help
 Send a postcard saying you object to the huge proposed redevelopment of
Hersham Shopping Centre (200 dwellings, 400+ more people, no parking
provision, too many stories high, etc.)
Where to find a protest postcard?
o In your letter box or next to collection boxes at participating local shops – currently: the Ceramics Cafe; Castle Wildish; the Library; Headrush Longmore area; and the shop at Whiteley Village OR otherwise
oJust print on off from the download below: –

THEN just leave the postcard in one of our collection boxes in participating shops in Hersham – or you can post it with a stamp (to the address below).

 You can also send a letter of protest to
Adam Chalmers, Chief Executive Officer
Elmbridge Borough Council, Civic Centre
High Street, Esher, Surrey KT10 9SD
 Or just email to:
Protect your shopping centre!

All enquiries: Save Hersham Green Shopping Centre Campaign

Tel : 01932 220438 – Mob: 0789 0389 793 hershamresidentsassociation@gmail.com